wild Earth resilience
alumni evening
cancelled for 2022 - come next year!
For those who have aged out of our programs -- you are invited to come reconnect for an evening of food, fire, games and general Terrahana merriment! We will bring our dinners and share some treats around the fire, and play whichever old games strike our fancy into the night. This is a chance for those of you who have been coming for years to get together again and enjoy Wright Park in the summertime, sharing space, friendship and sustenance like in years past. For this evening there is no set agenda and no obligation to stay the whole time, so please drop in, even if you can't stay for long.
Cost FREE - donations welcome if you feel inspired!
Location Wright Park in Middlebury
Ages 13 and up
Date Saturday, August 6 from 4pm to 10pm
What to Bring
Bring some dinner to cook or grill over the fire, and treats to share with others if you wish!
Also best to have water, and a headlamp for when it gets dark.
If you would like to attend -- simply email campterrahana@gmail.com and let us know to expect you!
You may find our general program policies and information here.
These reflect our current operations and apply to all upcoming programs.