wild Earth resilience
owl's vision gathering
for teens

This year we are offering a few days specifically for teens who want to approach the environment in more mindful ways, as well as to just let go and relax into the freedom of summertime. Together we hold a space of acceptance and good will, approaching activities with extra encouragement toward mindfulness and sense awareness. This gathering is an opportunity to have fun with friends, play, explore the forest, engage in self-reflective practices, and experience calming the mind and connecting through simple mindfulness and meditation techniques. Our intention for this week is to co-create a deeper community of free self exploration, expression, healing in the ways we need, being silly and wild, and returning to the sacredness of our gathering and reflection. The group determines the energy flow -- from role playing to plant study to silent crafting to rabble rousing… it’s all possible — a Terrahana tradition in the making!

We can look forward to:
natural crafts and art
hiking, wandering, and river exploration
running games, hiding games, silly games, fantasy play
drumming, songs, and other music making
sound healing
simple earth-based meditation
mindfulness practices
forest bathing
journaling and self-reflection
solo experience in the forest
ceremonies of intention, letting go, and peace
cooking and eating
brewing wild teas
Logistics and Schedule Overview
Location Terrahana Forest in Ripton
Tuition $335
Ages 13-16
Duration July 7-10, with two overnights
July 7: drop off 9am, pick up 3pm
July 8: drop off 9am, sleep overnight
July 9: wake in the forest, sleep overnight
July 10: pick up 9am
Participants will bring their own sleeping arrangements - tents, tarps, etc - and we will create a little village camp in the woods. There is an outhouse and handwashing area for taking care of needs.
Participants are asked to bring lunch materials — for the time we are overnighting in the forest, lunches for the next day may be left in a refrigerator at the house.
Breakfasts and dinners will be provided and often prepared together. All food provided by Terrahana will be vegetarian. Participants may elect to bring their own food or additional items if they wish.
More details upon acceptance into the program.
cancelled for 2022
due to an unexpected staffing issue, sadly we have had to cancel this program for the upcoming summer.
Please check back next year for 2023 dates!

application process
Enrollment for this gathering works differently than for our other programs. The application for this program consists of a section for the parent/guardian to fill out, and a second section for the interested teen to fill out. This section asks a few questions about why you are interested in the program and what you are hoping to gain or learn from it. We will go deeper into group trust, vulnerability, sense awareness, self reflection, and talking about the many issues important to our teens today. So, we want to make sure everyone is on the same page with respect to expectations for this week. When making enrollment decisions, we will carefully consider the answers on your application in order to determine whether this program will be a good fit for you.
The application opens on Wednesday, February 2 at 6:00pm. We will collect and review applications on a rolling basis until the program is full. Once you submit your application, you will hear from us regarding enrollment within a few days. If the program fills, subsequent applicants will be placed on a waitlist. At least 8 participants are necessary for the program to go forward.

You may find our general program policies and information here.
These reflect our current operations and apply to all upcoming programs.